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High Quality Fish Oil



  • UBB® Omega 3-6-9 with components include mixtures of unsaturated fatty acids found in nature is very useful for the physiological processes in the body: the group Omega-3 and Omega-6 group are two types of acid essential fats for the body but the body can not synthesize, and Omega-9 fatty acids are not essential group.



  • For adults, take two (2) softgels daily, preferably after a meal.



  • Omega-3 (main ingredients are DHA and EPA) helps lower cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, preventing blood clot phenomenon (antithrombotic), and help prevent clogged coronary pacemaker (antiarrhythmic). DHA Omega-3 helps slow down the brain aging, improve the memory decline and brain need a certain amount of omega-3 fatty acids (particularly DHA) to develop and maintain operations. Supplemented with DHA children achieved higher cognitive points, less su!ering from behavioral problems and emotional, motor skills develop earlier also. Therefore, there are many formulas supplemented with DHA. With cardio, many studies demonstrate DHA reduces blood triglycerides, reduce arrhythmia, reduce the rate of coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction decreased. But omega-3 fatty acid group has no significant elect on high blood cholesterol disease alone and dyslipidemia due to genetic factors. With skin: Team Omega-3 fatty acids have an important role in skin structure and particularly the horn, because they prevent the loss of water between layers of skin, so soft skin youthful. In addition, omega-3 fatty acid groups also needed to develop complete visual function of eyes, reducing the risk of diabetes, reduce the severity and number of asthma attacks, reducing the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, fight depression
  • Omega-6 (GLA main components include, DGLA, AA) is a group of fatty acids in polyunsaturated fats can help reduce triglyceride levels and cholesterol, improve diabetes, prevent the platelet thrombus formation clog arteries, anti-atherosclerosis, improve and prevent high blood pressure; Fostering retinal tissue, help eyesight and reduce eyestrain. Increasing resistance of the body; Supports treatment of laxatives, arthritis, regulating blood pressure, diseases caused by premature menopause; Support for the beauty of skin and hair, maintain healthy bones, helps balance the body's metabolism, maintain healthy reproductive system. Enhance mental power and reduced brain degeneration. Reduce the symptoms of eczema electively.
    Gamma linolenic acid + (GLA): In the body, GLA turned into prostaglandin. This substance has anti-inflammatory properties, it is elective to reduce symptoms of autoimmune arthritis. Gamma linolenic acid + Dihomo-(DGLA): Helps protect the cardiovascular, immune stimulation and while taking anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory). + Arachidonic acid (AA): Helps in healing wounds, as well as participate in the mechanism of allergic reactions.
    Products containing ratio UBB® Omega 3-6-9 Omega-3 Omega-6 is about 2.5: 1 is optimal for elective prevention of cardiovascular disease, arthritis
  • Omega-9: Also known as oleic acid. This type of monounsaturated fat can. Omega-9 fats are good for the prevention of cardiovascular disease, lower cholesterol and control blood sugar.




High Quality Omega-3-6-9 Fish Oil               2,000 mg

Proprietary Blend
(Fish Oil, Evening Primrose Oil, Organic Flaxseed Oil)

Typical Fatty Acid Profile
Omega-3 Fatty Acids provides......................810 mg
      Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA)
      Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)
      Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA)
      Other Fatty Acids

Omega-6 Fatty Acids provides......................352 mg
      Linoleic Acid (LA)
      Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA)

Omega-9 Fatty Acids provides......................100 mg
      Oleic Acid (OA)


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



UBB® OMEGA 3-6-9

SKU: 365451041928

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